Thermoplastic aileron design
One of the projects which are needed to complete the dragonfly aircraft is to manufacture a set of ailerons. As it is important to consider new hightech materials and novell manufacturing processes, it was deciced to design and develop a thermoplastic variant in parallel. This is done with the help from KVE’s patented welding technology and with carbonfiber prepreg PPS supplied by Toray TAC.

3rd year students from Aeronautical Engineering who started their lightweight structures minor in February 2020 were asked to perform this project and work closely with KVE with the goal to manufacture multiple aileron demonstrators using their induction welding equipment. They are expected to deliver their deliverables early June, but as COVID19 had an impact on their operation, there will be a change of outcome. This page will be updated once the results are available. With these results, a follow up will take place where the full aileron will be manufactured.